Darkness – Short Story Competition Anthology 2024

Darkness – Our 2024 Short Story Competition anthology is OUT NOW The ghosts of an isolated island cottage blow through a snowstorm into the present day where it has been rented as a holiday let. Two young sisters accidentally release a swarm of flesh-eating beetles and jeopardise their mother’s taxidermy exhibition. An elderly woman with the

December Social!

Our December social will be held at The Old Tram Depot in Cambridge on Tuesday 3rd December. We have a private room booked for fully paid up members of Cambridge Writers from 7pm until closing. Food isn’t included, but the pub does do food so you can order some on the night if you wish. The

Fantasy Fiction Competition 2024 Results

We are proud to run an annual writing competition in the name of our late member, Steve Hammond, in the genre of fantasy, in which he was a prolific and enthusiastic writer. Members of Cambridge Writers voted for the top three stories and the results are as follows: The Tale of the Wolf Brothers – Mary

Secrets and Lies for Christmas!

Give the gift of reading this Christmas. Our anthology of stories from the 2023 short story competition is now available to buy on amazon. Escape to another world through the power of fiction this Christmas with this collection of gripping, poignant and funny stories, all sharing the exciting theme of ‘Secrets and Lies’. Buy Now

NEW Fantasy Writing Competition

Fantasy Writing Competition To honour our late member Steve Hammond, whose writing was greatly admired by many of us, we are running a new fantasy writing competition. It will be known as the Steve Hammond Memorial Competition. It’s only open to members of Cambridge Writers, so for details on how to join, click here. To help you

Coincidence – Short Story Competition Anthology 2022

“Coincidence’ – Short Story Competition Anthology 2022 ‘Coincidence’ – A Great Christmas Gift Our latest anthology makes a perfect Christmas gift for the avid reader in your life. Packed with a wide variety of short stories, all written on the theme of coincidence, but all wonderfully unique. Our writers brought their individual interpretations to this theme,

Flash Fiction Competition 2022 Results

We enjoyed a fun evening determining the results of our flash fiction competition this week. All the entries were read out by two readers and then members attending voted on their favourites for first, second and third prizes. And the winner was….. 1st place – Will Tate – Selection Box Grabbing spots on the podium were:

Publication News

In Publication News this month, we have a bunch of talented members gaining publication success, or appearing at literary events. Tim Love has flash fiction appearing in ‘Pure Slush’. Established in 2010, Pure Slush currently publishes print anthologies of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Find out how to submit your work to Pure Slush here: https://pureslush.com/submissions/Nicola Gifford Cowan and

Short Story Competition 2022 Winners

We held our results evening for the short story competition 2022 this month, and a wonderful night of stories was enjoyed by all. Our judge, Professor Andrew Cowen, gave us fantastically detailed feedback and said he was highly impressed with the standard of writing, and the variety of entries he received on the theme of ‘Coincidence’.

Visitors – Short Story Competition Anthology 2021

Visitors – Short Story Competition Anthology 2021 from Cambridge Writers. Our anthology is filled with comic, poignant, and fantastical short stories. A ghostly train whistle and a hawk moth are just two of the varied interpretations of the ‘visitors’ theme. Another absolutely beautiful cover design by our secretary, Siobhan Carew. Huge thanks go to her for

Short Story Competition 2022 NOW OPEN!

Our short story competition is now open for entries! Theme: Coincidence – The theme was chosen by a vote at the AGM. It may be interpreted in any way you choose. Closing date: Monday 3rd January 2022 (entries must be received by midnight). Word limit: 2,500 words. This is an absolute limit. Your entry will be

Flash Fiction Competition Results 2021

1st Bryony Stubbs for ‘Secret Shopper’. 2nd Francis Thompson for ‘Master Your Mind’ 3rd Ian Hill for Shakespearean Monkeys’ We enjoyed a fantastic evening of fiction over Zoom tonight, for the judging of the Flash Fiction Competition. There were 18 entries in all, beautifully read by Hannah Hooton and Karin Milner. Members who attended the Zoom

Writers’ Forum Magazine Publication

Cambridge Writers’ member, Rachel Levy, had a story published in the April edition of ‘Writers’ Forum’ magazine. She wrote a flash fiction piece entitled ‘Missing Trains’, in response to the prompt: “Write a story where the first and last paragraphs are identical, but the meaning has changed significantly for the reader and perhaps the main character.”

Short Story Competition Winners 2013-2017

This beautiful volume is a compilation of winning and commended stories from competitions run between 2013 and 2017. Story themes include ‘Encounters’, ‘Surprising Angles’, ‘Seven Sins’, and ‘Rituals’. Buy our compilation anthology here in paperback or kindle edition.

This writing business: some rambling reflections

On publishing Small Town Blues, my second and probably last novel. ‘I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like,’ wrote Jane Austen of Emma Woodhouse. Likewise, Evan, my central character, is not a vote-winner. He too is arrogant, vain and callow at the start of the novel, but he

Sylvia Plath Riding Thanatos

My essay on Plath’s poem “Ariel” appeared in Twelve Rivers, the Suffolk Poetry Society’s literary magazine and can be obtained through them.

Flash Fiction Competition 2021

Flash Fiction Competition This will be held by Zoom on Tuesday 1st June at 7.30 pm. There is no set theme, but entries must not exceed 250 words. Each entry must have a title, which is not part of the word count. They must reach me by midnight on Sunday 30th May. On the evening entries

Mountain – Short Story Competition 2020 Anthology

Our collection of short stories from the 2020 competition is now in print. The pieces all follow the theme of Mountain, with a wide variety of interpretations. We owe a big thank you to our Secretary, Siobhán Carew, for putting this together and coming up with an excellent design. Buy our ‘Mountain’ anthology here

Flash Fiction Competition Results 2020

The 1st prize goes to Angela Wray for Crumbs! A Cautionary Tale. The 2nd prize goes to Ann Abineri for Ambition. The 3rd prize goes to Rachel Levy for Location, Location, Location. Our 2020 flash fiction competition was conducted in rather a different way to usual. Members were emailed the entries and voted on their favourites. Though it didn’t make for such a fun event as our customary

Love & Pollination

Cambridge Writers member Mari Jane Law has just published her first novel Love & Pollination. It is shortlisted for ‘Choc Lit’s’ 2019 Search for a Star competition and will make you laugh, providing a welcome respite in these dreary times. Find out more about author and book here. 

My Theory of Creativity

My essay on my theory of creativity linked to sublimation and the therapeutic potential of poetry is published online in “WILD COURT”, King’s College magazine in the University of London.