Welcome to Cambridge Writers

Cambridge Writers is a friendly and enthusiastic writing group. Some of us are published, some not yet, and some write for fun.
Our members produce work in a wide variety of genres, and we meet regularly in and around Cambridge, as well as online, to discuss our writing.
How does it work?
We run several writing groups catering for different types of writing, such as novels or short stories. Members of each group meet monthly to discuss their work, give and receive feedback and help each other improve their writing. You may attend as many groups as you wish, learning from, and in turn assisting, fellow writers in many forms of writing.
What will you get out of our writing groups?
Attending a group regularly helps you write more frequently
Responding to the work of others helps you understand how to improve your own writing
Sharing your work prepares you for the process of publication
Through attending meetings, you’ll build a support network of contacts, who quickly become friends, to assist you on your journey as a writer. Find out more…
We also hold monthly events which are open to the public. These often feature invited guest speakers, or we run workshops on aspects of the writing industry or writing techniques. Most importantly, our events provide a great social occasion, and an opportunity to meet writers from the group as a whole.
Writing Competitions
Cambridge Writers holds members-only writing competitions, which are free to enter and offer cash prizes. We use either external judges or member voting to determine the winners of different contests. Our results evenings are great fun, where works are read aloud and prizes awarded.
There’s a 1st prize of £100 for our short story competition, and £30 for the best flash fiction, along with other cash prizes. Find out more here.
We produce anthologies every year comprising the winning and commended entries from our writing competitions.
We also offer online publishing for members’ works on this website, which is a great way to get your writing in front of readers and build a following.
Our publicity officer, Hannah Hooton, is always on the lookout for opportunities. Recently she organised for members’ short stories to be broadcast on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Monthly Newsletter
Every member gets a free monthly Newsletter, full of information on local and national events of interest, such as literary festivals, writing competitions and courses. It’s a great source of news on our members too, sharing successes our writers have had in competitions, gaining agents or with publication. It also contains a round up of members’ writing that has been read out at the group meetings that month.
Tim Love is our newsletter editor. Please do contact him if you have any writing news you wish to shout about.
Ready to join?
Annual membership is just £20. Find out more about joining here.