Writing Groups

Our writing groups all meet monthly. We don’t write on the night, but members read work aloud and give and receive constructive feedback.
Contact a group coordinator in the first instance to arrange coming along to a meeting. You are welcome to try a couple of meetings before joining Cambridge Writers.
Long Prose
Long prose may include anything from novels to biographies and memoirs. At a meeting, members read extracts of their work and receive helpful feedback on their writing from the rest of the group. Depending on numbers attending, you will have around twenty minutes to read your piece and receive feedback. It helps if you bring printed copies for other members to refer to, and write comments on, which will be returned to you at the end. Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month.
Edwin Hall: contact
Online Creative Writing
This group arose during 2020, as an online meeting conducted over the ‘Zoom’ platform. It works in the same way as the long prose group described above, with extracts read out by members and feedback given and received. Extracts are shared beforehand for these meetings, so that members can have a copy to refer to as a piece is read out. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, and ‘Zoom’ links will be emailed to those wishing to attend.
Short Prose
Short stories and short non-fiction are read at this group. As a guide to length, we usually ask that work substantially over 2000 words be read over two meetings. It helps if you bring printed copies of your work to the meetings for other members to refer to.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month.
The poetry group alternates between email exchanges one month and an in-person meeting the next. These take place on the last Monday of the month.
Travel and Nature Writing
There are currently five members who work on travel narratives and who meet once a month.