Cambridge Writers Constitution

(as amended 4th March 2003)

  1. The name of the organisation will be Cambridge Writers.
  2. The object of Cambridge Writers is to bring together people interested in writing, for mutual support and encouragement.
  3. The annual subscription will be determined by the Committee and approved by members at the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The officers of the Committee will consist of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and one other committee member.
  5. The officers of the Committee will be elected annually at the AGM. If any post is contested the matter will be decided by secret ballot, except that any officer or Committee member who has served for three consecutive years shall step down if another nomination for that post is received at the AGM.
  6. Three Committee members will form a quorum. All Committee decisions will be made by a majority of those present.
  7. The Committee will have powers of co-option and will seek representation from any sub-groups in existence.
  8. The Annual General Meeting will be held in March.  The audited accounts for the previous year will be presented and any other business may be dealt with at the discretion of the Chair.
  9. The funds of the society will be held on deposit at a bank chosen by the Treasurer.  The Treasurer and other nominated officers will be empowered jointly to sign cheques.
  10. These rules may only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or a specially convened meeting.  Proposed alterations must be given to the Secretary in writing at least twenty-eight days before the date of the meeting.
  11. In the event of it being decided at the Annual General Meeting (or a specially convened meeting) to discontinue the activities of the Cambridge Writers, all accumulated funds will be distributed between such local writing or literary groups as the meeting may deem suitable.