In Publication News this month, we have a bunch of talented members gaining publication success, or appearing at literary events.
- Tim Love has flash fiction appearing in ‘Pure Slush’. Established in 2010, Pure Slush currently publishes print anthologies of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Find out how to submit your work to Pure Slush here:
- Nicola Gifford Cowan and Tim Love have a jointly-written piece in flash fiction publication, ‘Wild Word’. Wild Word believes in championing and nurturing new, original, and often never-heard voices in writing. They showcase a variety of poetry, literature and essays from around the world. The platform is a true labour of love, run by a team of volunteers who are passionate about the written word. Check out their submissions procedure here:
- Mary Mclean’s sonnet, “The Swan Eater” was a winner at the Spectator in May. Congratulations, Mary!
- Isle Pedler is reading at the Cardiff Poetry Festival in July. See for more details and to buy tickets to their many events.