Cambridge Writers

The Backtraps

The Backtraps

The Backtraps by Jamie Harding – A slow river, an eternal death. Terror strikes four young friends night-fishing the backwaters of Loudwick Mill, a sleepy town through which the Ouse river gently meanders on its way to the Great Wash. To Ed and his fellow… Read More »The Backtraps

Jamie Harding

Jamie is the author, via the exciting pseudonym LJ Denholm, of the self-published psychological horror Under Rand Farm. He has also, under his own name, written the long short story The Backtraps, has penned dozens of paid articles for the satire website ‘NewsThump’, and had material used… Read More »Jamie Harding

Under Rand Farm

Under Rand Farm

Under Rand Farm by Jamie Harding – a dark, thrilling horror set in the US. Nestled among the rolling hills and forests of upstate Pennsylvania, Rand Farm has belonged to the family since a predatory Henry Rand purchased its sixty acres in the 1960s, and… Read More »Under Rand Farm

Robert Smith

Robert Smith

Robert has had poems published in Agenda, and aspires to other outlets.  He is very keen on poetry as a spoken art.