The judge was Helen Marshall, teacher of Creative Writing at Anglia Ruskin University, announced the winners for this year’s competition that was themed ‘Rituals’. All authors were present and in a vibrant and stimulating eveningĀ read the stories to us.
- First prize was given to ‘Giver of Gifts‘ by Michael English.
- Second prize to ‘Beryl‘ by Les Brookes.
- Third prize to ‘Snowy Saturdays‘ by Helen Culnane.
Awarded with ‘highly recommended’ were
- ‘Lingering‘ by Siobhan Carew.
- ‘Bury the Truth‘ by Jane Phillips.
- ‘The Three King’s Ritual‘, by Nicola Gifford-Cowan.
Congratulations to the winners. The stories can be read on our website and will soon be published as an anthology.