4th May 2021 – Workshop

How do I blindside my reader without completely cheating them? How do I lay a trail of clues without my plot becoming predictable? This workshop is designed to help you answer those questions and more.

We will be covering the five different types of foreshadowing, including Chekhov’s gun, prophecy, flashback, symbolic foreshadowing, and red herring, discussing examples in literature and other storytelling mediums and trying our hand at implementing each technique.

We will also look at false conclusions, misdirection, double bluffs, deflecting blame and bias, each of which helps to keep plot fresh and unexpected and assists you in ‘manipulating’ your reader’s expectations.

The workshop is held on Zoom. All members will be e-mailed a link to participate.

These topics will be accompanied by writing exercises to get the imagination buzzing and to really let these new techniques sink in. There is a lot to cover, so it may be that we run out of time, but copies of notes will be made available to anyone who wishes to have one.