Upcoming Events

4th March – Short Story Competition Judging Evening

Our glittering awards evening will take place on March 4th. This year’s short story competition was on the theme of ‘The Sea, though stories can be written in any genre the writer wishes. There are cash prizes to be won but the contest is only open to paid up members of Cambridge

Our monthly writers’ events are held at: Hartington Grove Meeting House.

91-93 Hartington Grove

Non-members are welcome to attend most events, at a charge of £3. Please contact our chairman Harry Goode if you would like to come along.

If you have any suggestions for speakers you would like to hear at our writers’ events, please contact our programme secretary, Karin Milner.

Recent Events

4th September 2012 – e-publishing forum

Come and learn the latest about this new method of publishing. A panel of members will share their experiences to be followed by a Q and A session.

3rd July 2012 – Sylvie Short

After nearly forty years in the teaching profession, Sylvia has retired to concentrate on writing full time. Sylvie has had some success with her first published book, 'The Bubble.' The second published book called 'Home to Roost' is a very readable family saga set in East Anglia. She has also had several short stories published in a Cambridgeshire magazine. Her

12th June 2012 – Cressida Downing

Cressida Downing has over 20 years of experience in publishing and bookselling, from the manuscript to the finished book. Her freelance clients have included Reader's Digest, a variety of agents, publishers and literary scouts, and aspiring authors. In recent years, she has focused on blogging (writing for www.writersandartists.co.uk), running workshops for writers, and giving advice to bloggers who are interested

1st May 2012 – Leslie Tate

Leslie Tate is a contemporary author and poet based in the UK. His first novel 'Aphrodite's Children' was published in 2009. Leslie has just completed his second novel called Frontliners which deals with urban relationships in the 80s/90s.

3rd April 2012 – Jon Beattiey

Having had a rewarding career in the Power Supply Industry and after a brief stint with the National Trust,  Jon turned to full time writing. The author of six novels, he also writes poetry, short stories and book reviews.

6th March 2012 – Annual General Meeting

The AGM is when all members of Cambridge Writers can learn what the committee's been up to on their behalf during the past year and vote on ideas for the future.  It's also an opportunity to raise suggestions for improving the service we provide to the membership. The committee functions largely by e-mail, meeting together only 3 or 4 times

7th February 2012 – Competition Judging Evening

The results of the annual short story competition will be announced at this meeting.  This is always an exciting event and a rare chance to listen to the creme de la creme of our members' writing.  This year Dr Trudi Tate will act as judge, she will have read all entries and decided which are worthy of the first, second

6th December 2011 – Barry Kaufmann-Wright

Author, photographer, lecturer and lifelong wildlife enthusiast, Barry Kaufmann-Wright, will be talking to Cambridge Writers on December 6.   Barry was born on a farm and on leaving school went to work with the late TV naturalist and author, Gerald Durrell, at the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust (Jersey Zoo). Here he learned about conservation and the breeding of endangered species

1st November 2011 – workshop “People who need people”

Most authors desperately need characters but how can they find them? Introspection? Using family and friends? Wandering about pubs? And when they find the right people how should they treat them – like galley slaves (Nabokov) or should the author just put them in a room and wait to see what happens (Beryl Bainbridge)? Tim Love will introduce a series

4th October 2011 – Glenn Dakin

Come and enjoy listening to this interesting and original local author.  Glenn is a cartoonist who has written for comics and children's television, you may be familiar with Shaun the Sheep, Bob the Builder and most certainly with Spiderman at some point!  He will talk about his latest creation "Candle Man" and discuss writing children's fantasy and the development of

6th September 2011 – Dr Trudi Tate

Fellow of Clare Hall specialising in British and American literature and writer on 1st World, Crimean and Vietnam Wars.

5th July 2011 – Broo Doherty

Broo is one half of Wade and Doherty Literary Agency. She has worked in publishing for twenty years and handles all genres, but is particularly interested in crime, cookery and women's fiction.