Suspension of Cambridge Writers Programme

It will not surprise you that we have had to suspend part of the arranged programme for Cambridge Writers. The April, May and June meetings at Hartington Grove have been cancelled. Moreover, there will be no summer social. We hope to rearrange the meetings with Sophie Hannah and Siobhan Carew for 2021.We strongly urge you to

New Book! – Cambridge Rose

Rose Foster meets Ronnie Lyndon when she begins a master’s degree in Cambridge. A relationship blossoms. Rose is still reeling from the death of a beloved aunt. Is life now on the up? Just when she thinks it might be, Rose is plunged into a terrifying situation. DI Harry Meredith has been investigating the kidnapping of

Point of View

Point of View is the latest topic tackled in ‘Bones of Contention: An Occasional Series’ – Blog posts from our member, Les Brookes. Is this the biggest bugbear of the lot? Are you irritated, like me, by readers who raise an eyebrow at any change of viewpoint? By those who say, “I was just getting interested

Revenge – Short Story Competition Anthology 2019

‘Revenge’ was the fantastic theme for our 2019 short story competition. This anthology brings together the stories our members created on this evocative theme. Huge thanks for compiling our latest short story collection to Siobhan Carew and Thure Etzold. Buy our ‘Revenge’ anthology here

Bones of Contention: an occasional series

(2) Show don’t tell I’ve been thoroughly irritated by this advice ever since an agent accused me of ignoring it. It seems to me a neat formula trotted out blithely. So I want to examine and challenge it. First, is the distinction between showing and telling as clear as this maxim suggests? We might concede that

Short Story Competition Results 2019

From our juror of this year’s competition, Ingrid Jendrzejewski: “First of all, huge congratulations go out to everyone who submitted a story to this year’s Cambridge Writers’ Short Story Competition.  The overall quality was exceedingly high – much higher, on average, than most other competitions I’ve judged.  I found something to admire in every single story

Bones of Contention: an occasional series

Write about what you know I’ve long thought of writing a series of pieces for the newsletter on contentious issues in writing. So I’ll begin with the above. For me, the problem here is the suggestion that we should confine ourselves to writing about what we’ve actually experienced. But surely much of what we “know” comes

R J Gould Website and Newsletters

My e-newsletters cover topics of interest to writers. If you would like to be added to my mailing list to receive them, you can contact me at or through my website 

Worlds Apart by Helen Culnane

Forgive me for bragging but I’m cock a hoop because I’ve just published my first novel, “Worlds Apart”. It’s a historical story of friendship set in Scotland at the time of the women’s suffrage movement and WW1. I’d love you to take a look at it on Amazon as paperback or e-book, and be thrilled silly

A new book and blog by Emily Bilman

I am delighted to announce the publication of my new book of poetry, “The Threshold of Broken Waters” by Troubador Books, UK in October 2018. The book is a creative memoir in verse. Orders can be made through me.  I am a regular blogger on my website and would like to correspond with members through my

Freedom – Short Story Competition 2018 Anthology

Freedom – Short Story Competition 2018 Anthology. This year’s short story competition was judged by the well-known literary agent Julian Friedmann. In his comments he remarked on the generally high standard of entries. He felt Cambridge Writers would be able to outclass any other writing group in the country. High praise indeed! On the basis of

Simon L’etoile : Black Widow & Me

Simon L’etoile: Black Widow & Me is the story of a fictional rock band from the 1980s. It is told as a memoir, through the eyes of the lead singer, Simon L’etoile. Following the band and its members through touring and recording, to great success when they play festivals and have chart hits – but then

Cambridge Writers Short Story Competition 2017: The Winners

The judge was Helen Marshall, teacher of Creative Writing at Anglia Ruskin University, announced the winners for this year’s competition that was themed ‘Rituals’. All authors were present and in a vibrant and stimulating evening  read the stories to us. First prize was given to ‘Giver of Gifts’ by Michael English.Second prize to ‘Beryl’ by Les